Exercise 3: Metasploit Utilities

Update Metasploit application

In order to stay current, you need to update your copy of the Metasploit regularly. Issue the following command from the Kali bash command shell:

root@kali# sudo apt-get update

Note on non-Kali installs of Metasploit, you can issue the command msfupdate within the Metasploit console but this is disabled in recent releases of Kali in favor of using the apt-get command.

Update the Exploit database

This process is a little more involved. First you need to locate the exploits you want to download (or even write your own!). The best database for this is at https://www.exploit-db.com/ for viewing the exploits but you can use the git tool grab specific items. The github repository is located at https://github.com/offensive-security/exploit-database

There is also a tool available on the git repository called searchsploit which will search the database for you and list the exploits for you.

To find a new Windows exploit, you can execute from the Kali server:

On the Kali bash shell:

git clone https://github.com/offensive-security/exploit-database.git /opt/exploit-database

cd /opt/exploit-database

Say you want to find the exploit which works with the recent NSA Hacks released in May/June 2017, known as ‘eternalblue’ for SMB hacking:

./searchsploit eternalblue Windows

{ a list of exploits will be returned }

Now you can choose which one you want to load, we will load the one for Windows 7/2008 or the file 42031.py. Looking at the output of the command, you will see that the files are in the platforms/win_x86-64/remote directory. This file is the Ruby on Rails code that will be executed by Metasploit, and it will need to be copied to the proper folder.

cd ~/.msf4/modules

ls –ls

If the ‘exploits’ directory doesn’t exist, create it:

mkdir ~/.msf4/modules/exploits

cd exploits

Do the same for the directory tree: win_86-64 and remote so you have the following directory structure:


Now copy the Ruby files from the source location

cp /opt/exploit-database/platforms/win_x86-64/remote/42031.py .

Note that there is a period at the end of the previous line

Now open Metasploit


And search for the newly added exploit

search eternalblue

And the exploit will be displayed and is available for use.