Module 4: Using Python to Program Advanced WAF (AWAF)


For most use cases, the previous tools discussed will be sufficient, espcially if the use case is just a workflow. In some cases, these tools may not be sufficient. If the job can’t be done in one of the popular programming languagues, it likely can’t be accomplished. This is an important consideration. If you think your project may exceed the capabilities of curl or Postman, you may want to consider a programming language.

This class uses Python for its examples because of its widespread use among the SE community at F5. When a programming language is used to interact with the REST API, it is most often Python. Python is a very popular programming language, used for all types of scenarios. This class also uses the Python Requests module, which is a http client library that simplifies coding against an HTTP interface.

This module has the student run several scripts, examine them and discuss the structure of each.
