Lab 3.3: Using Postman to generate code

One of the most useful features of Postman is its ability to show a code snippet of each request. This makes Postman a great learning tool when trying to develop more complex scripts written in your favorite language. In addition this ia great segway to Module 4 Using Python Program Advanced WAF. It is being introduced now so that you can view each request in this module and get a feel for what the request would look like in Python Requests.

These are languages that Postman supports:

Language Framework
HTTP None (Raw HTTP request)
C LibCurl
cURL None (Raw cURL command)
C# RestSharp
Go Built-in http package
Java OkHttp
Java Unirest
JavaScript jQuery AJAX
JavaScript Built-in XHR
NodeJS Built-in http module
NodeJS Request
NodeJS Unirest
Objective-C Built-in NSURLSession
OCaml Cohttp
PHP HttpRequest
PHP pecl_http
PHP Built-in curl
Python Built-in http.client (Python 3)
Python Requests
Ruby Built-in NET::Http
Shell wget
Shell HTTPie
Shell cURL
Swift Built-in NSURLSession

Task 1 - Generating Python Requests Code

Select the Module3Lab1-ex3-GetAllASMPoliciesFilteredTests request and click on the “code” option on the right hand side.


Then select “Python -> Requests” from the code drop down to show the request in Python Requests
